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Life Begins at the End of your Comfort Zone

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

Lessons From a Growing Entrepreneur

For as long as I can remember, building has been a dream of mine. Groups, events, business ideas.. I've always had this burning desire to see my ideas come to life and contribute something positive to the world. Starting my own business has been a top goal for many years.

So when I started Harmony Ledger 5 months ago, I fully expected to be overcome with joy. After all, I was finally living the life I wanted. But I didn’t expect my dreams to be located outside of my comfort zone. I was actually blindsided by this.

In the first few months, I concentrated on developing my bookkeeping systems. I thought completing this task would restore my comfort level. But it didn’t.

I joined 2 gyms and quit both in a 3 month time period. I started overeating and binging on Netflix. Although I could recognize that I was throwing my balanced life out the window, I had a hard time identifying what I was feeling and why. I was very happy with my business and how it was going. So, why I was acting like this?

I practice journaling to help with self reflection. Eventually it came to me. I was uncomfortable. We moved to a new province and I started a new business at the same time. Nothing was familiar; of course I was uncomfortable! It’s probably a normal feeling for most new business owners. Identifying what was going on was a turning point.

This helpful quote was shared in my facebook feed:

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Get confident being uncertain. Don’t give up just because something is hard. Pushing through challenges is what makes you grow.”

Taking steps towards this is my aim for 2019. The first step is restoring good self care practices. I got back to a balanced diet and I’m practicing yoga. My daughter and I have been doing a social media marketing program to help my business grow. I have a few courses on my agenda to further build my bookkeeping skills. And, I’m going to add more networking events to connect with my new community.

So, it looks like this growing entrepreneur has learned her first lesson: Life truly begins at the end of our comfort zone.

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